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Guest Book

Your sentiments and memories are welcome, even if you did not know Jessica personally. Feel free to write as much, or, as little as you want. Your comments will appear within 12 hrs of submitting. Thank you all very much.

30 Comments Post a comment
  1. 04/19/2012
    Michael Bailey

    Mom, Thank you for everything. I love you.

  2. 04/19/2012
    Judith Paz

    My fabulous Aunt Jess was one woman wonder!

    For as long as I can remember, she was full-to-the-brim with sparkle and class. Aunt Jess inspired the artist in me, as we shared poetry throughout the years. She had an innate knowledge/understanding that Life and all its mysteries, were connected through Divine gossamer threads. Her poems peered into that understanding, as she expressed her gratitude to the Unseen Creator for countless, bountiful gifts. She loved Life! Her verve and energy was unsurpassed by any other family members.

    The summer of my 16th year, I spent several weeks with Aunt Jess (and family) in NYC as she taught me how to be city savvy. We had quite a time! Whether it was visiting the “21 Club”, dining at an exquisite Chinese restaurant, posing for my own personal photo shoot or seeing a Broadway show, her intention was to broaden my horizons and help me experience life outside of the farmlands of South Jersey. I believe that opportunity afforded me a new confidence and way of seeing the world. Just in case I didn’t tell her then, I will now: “Thank you Aunt Jessie!!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing self with me. Thank you for caring enough about your country bumpkin niece to enlighten and educate! Thank you for making me exceedingly proud to know you and to share the Paz name”.

    If there is an afterlife, my wish is for Aunt Jessie to be young, beautiful and free with the ones she loved and lost in this lifetime.
    Always a free spirit, now she flies with the Angels.

    With Love,

    Judith, Judy, Jude
    (much like Jessica, Jessie, Jess)

    • 04/19/2012
      Michael Bailey

      Thank you, Judy, for your thoughtful, loving words, and for sharing your memories. xo

  3. 04/20/2012
    Luanne Paz Fluke

    A picture of elegance and grace. An amazingly beautiful woman.

  4. 04/20/2012
    Joan Harris

    Jessie was the Gisele of her day, and beyond. Beautiful pics and great tribute to a gorgeous, strong career woman and Mom.
    Nicely done.

  5. 04/20/2012
    Michael Bailey

    Thanks Joan. Gisele Bundchen is certainly a classic beauty, but her hair does not compare. 😉

  6. 04/20/2012
    Buddy Tuchman

    I remember her when we were both in 8th grade. She had both grace and beauty. She was a loving mother and always wanted the best for you and Cindy. Very warm and loving tribute.

    • 04/20/2012
      Michael Bailey

      It was actually 9th grade, Bud. She used to come into my room every morning at 7:15 to make sure I got up for school on time. I was not the rise and shine type for school in those days. One morning, I was especially stubborn, resisting the radio she had turned on loud, and the pulled up shades. I should have known I had no chance. I lost that battle (as I did most of them), when a bowl of water splashed down on my head while I remained half asleep. She knew how to get what she wanted. 😉

  7. 04/20/2012
    Chrissy Paz

    Where to begin….from her laughter, her encouragement, her “you can do anything” outlook, this gave me the confidence and strength to do some of the things I may not have thought to do. She dragged me, I say that lovingly 🙂 , to AC years ago while she was acting in the movie Wise Guys, she said , “Come along, I’ll get you in” , and that she did , that was just the beginning. We worked quite a bit together in various films, even getting my father in on the action. Such memories will stay with me forever, laughing at every thought, I was on my way to an audition in the city once, her words of advice: “keep your windows up and your doors locked, oh, just forget it, if they want you bad enough, they will throw a block through your window and grab you”…hahaha,. always worried about me and pushing me along the way. I could go on and on….. gonna miss you Aunt Jess and thank you <3

    • 04/20/2012
      Michael Bailey

      Given the chance, Mom would’ve made every member in the family a personal project. Whenever possible, she really did want every one in on things with her. Thanks for sharing, Chris.

  8. 04/20/2012
    Gregory Elkin

    A great tribute to your mom. I remember her showing me a few illustrated book covers that she modeled for and her telling me about her modeling career. But I had no idea she had such an impressive body of work. It’s really nice you were able to post it and share it with those of us who knew her. Your story about her splashing water on you to wake you up reminds me of a much more dramatic wake-up call your mother used back when I stayed over on 86th street. I remember those days fondly.

    • 04/20/2012
      Michael Bailey

      Thanks Greg. Yes, there was plenty of drama in those days. Around 1973-74? I think you are referring to the “hammer incident”. We’ll leave that story for another web site. 🙂

  9. 04/21/2012
    Laura Hammond

    I’m stunned, amazed, and flicking back some warm and sentimental tears (for you & Cindy). I had the pleasure of meeting your Mom a dozen times or more, but viewing and reading about her life, you and your family were so fortunate to have such a knock out person and beauty for as long as you did.

    She’s lightening up the clouds with more a graceful glow now.


    • 04/21/2012
      Michael Bailey

      Thanks for the nice words, Laura.

  10. 04/21/2012
    Joseph Runsdorf

    Our paths crossed but once or twice, but one could see the strength and caring she possessed. The testaments I have just read speak volumes to illuminate just that; her ability to have a dramatic effect on all that entered her sphere.

    • 04/25/2012
      Michael Bailey

      That would have been sometime in the mid seventies. We were barely out of our teens. If you had met her more, she probably would have had a dramatic effect on you as well. Like prohibiting you from coming around. 😀

      Thanks for sharing, Joe. 🙂

  11. 04/25/2012
    Lindsay Lloyd

    I only met Jessie on a few occasions. She was a beautiful woman, but more than that she was a self motivated, confident, smart businesswoman. Certainly she was a woman ahead of her time.
    Thank you for sharing your mother’s history. This is a beautiful tribute to her.

    • 04/25/2012
      Michael Bailey

      She certainly was all of those things. Thank you Lindsay!

  12. 05/1/2012
    Suzanne Paz-Ruiz

    aunt jess i miss u. ♥ thank you for all the great memories, little gifts and lots of laughs. i will hold them close in my heart. love u xoxo
    love, suzy

  13. 05/2/2012
    Ruth Ann Mayberry

    A wonderful tribute to a wonderful lady! I met your Mom when I worked for Bob and John in the 80’s. A very classy lady, and a modest one, evidently. I did not know of all her accomplishments. Thank you for sharing.

  14. 05/3/2012
    Barbara Paz

    This is a beautifully written tribute and bio of your mother. You did a fabulous job of portraying Jess just as she was; beautiful, intelligent, full of life, with a work ethic instilled from childhood. She was truly a self-made woman.

    • 05/3/2012
      Michael Bailey

      Thanks Barb.

  15. 05/13/2012
    Sharon Heath RN

    Michael and Cindy,
    I only met your Mom at her weakest time, but the love you two showed and the stories and the beautiful pictures you shared with us made it feel like I knew her forever. I am glad you found the pictures and are telling her story. May her love and SPIRIT always guide you both and be with you!

    • 05/14/2012
      Michael Bailey

      Thank you Sharon. Its so nice of you to write. All the best wishes to you.

  16. 06/1/2012
    Diane Bowman

    Dear Mike,
    What a lovely tribute to your Mom. I enjoyed viewing it and reading your sentiments.

    She was a beautiful lady inside and out. You look a lot like her.
    I am sure it hurts but sharing makes the loss a little lighter. You are blessed!
    Thank you for sharing.

    • 06/1/2012
      Michael Bailey

      Thank you Diane.

  17. 06/2/2012
    Taly Noam and Ben Herzog

    We are so sorry for your loss Michael. Thank you so much for sharing your mom with us. What an incredible and brave woman.
    Ben and Taly

    • 06/2/2012
      Michael Bailey

      Thank you guys.

  18. 03/8/2016

    It’s been close to 50 years since we last crossed paths on Park Ave. Yet, some memories of those times are as fresh as yesterday. There were smiles, there were scowls but there was always welcome.


    • 04/27/2016
      Michael Bailey

      Is this who I think it is? My olddddddddd friend from Madison Avenue?

      Add the relevant number to the end of these two letters. P.S. …


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